I am part of the DTG story

I am part of the DTG story

Since the signing of licensing agreements between ViiV Healthcare and MPP, with the support of Unitaid and numerous public health partners, over 1 billion packs of generic DTG have been distributed to 24 million adults and children living with HIV in 128 low- and middle-income countries. This has resulted in over 90% of individuals on antiretroviral treatment in these countries receiving DTG-based regimens.

In preparation of the 10 year anniversary of the DTG licence which occurred in April 2024, MPP has met with communities taking generic DTG regimens or working with people who do. Our film is a collection of testimonials on the impact of DTG on lives, but also personal accounts of living with HIV.

Here are their stories:

Access to dolutegravir, Senegal

Discover the transformative impact of dolutegravir in Senegal. In November 2023, we visited BOKK YAKAAR, an NGO dedicated to supporting individuals living with HIV in Fatick. Our journey allowed us to gather firsthand feedback on the rollout of dolutegravir for both adults and children. Through interviews with healthcare workers, the director of BOKK YAKAAR, Ibrahima Ba, and the people directly affected by HIV, this video offers a compelling look at the real-world benefits and challenges of improving access to essential HIV treatments.

HIV is alive, South Africa

Join Nombeko Mpongo, a resilient individual living with HIV in South Africa, as she shares her inspiring journey towards better health. In this testimonial, Nombeko discusses the life-altering access to HIV treatment and the profound difference dolutegravir has made in her life. She also touch on the next challenges to end the HIV epidemic. Her story is one of hope and empowerment.

HIV is alive in men, South Africa

Welcome to an essential dialogue on the journey of HIV access and treatment for men in South Africa. Historically, the focus and funding have been directed towards women, leaving a critical gap in the conversation and care on men. Dr. Katherine Gill from the Desmond Tutu Health Foundation, provides her expert perspective on why a differentiated approach is crucial for diagnosing and treating men. Alongside Dr. Gill’s insights, we hear a powerful testimonial from a man who will share his personal story from diagnosis to present day.

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