Call for Applications - Expert Advisory Group (EAG) Member | Regulatory Expert

MPP is looking for a new Expert Advisory Group (EAG) Member (volunteer position)


Required profile: Regulatory Expert

1. Background information

The Medicines Patent Pool (MPP) is a United Nations-backed public health organisation working to increase access to, and facilitate the development of, life- saving medicines for low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Through its innovative business model, MPP partners with civil society, governments, international organisations, industry, patient groups and other stakeholders, to prioritise and license needed medicines and pool intellectual property to encourage generic manufacture and the development of new formulations. To date, MPP has signed agreements with patent holders for thirteen HIV antiretrovirals, three hepatitis C direct-acting antivirals, a tuberculosis treatment and recently for COVID- 19 drugs and technology. MPP was founded by Unitaid, which continues to be MPP’s main funder. MPP’s work on access to essential medicines is also funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). MPP is funded as well by various public funders for its work on mRNA program.

More about MPP

2. Expert Advisory Group role

The Expert Advisory Group has a consultative function. Its role as per MPP’s Statues and By-Laws is to:

    1. Review and provide advice to the Governance Board and the MPP’s Executive Director, upon request, with regard to general strategy and key management decisions;

    2. Provide a written report containing EAG’s recommendations to the Governance Board on the specifics of each licence agreement, which report will be submitted to the Board and ultimately published in the MPP web page, should the proposed agreement proceed to execution.

More information on the role of EAG and its Terms of Reference are available here:

3. Required profile of skills and expertise

MPP is looking for an expert in regulatory affairs with deep knowledge of public health and medicines regulations, with a focus on access to medicines in LMICs. The ideal candidate will also have a good understanding of the public health issues in LMICs as well as of the MPP model to improve access to affordable and appropriate essential medicines in LMICs.

4. Additional information

EAG members serve in their personal capacity and on an unremunerated basis. EAG members have to abide by MPP general policies. More on MPP policies:

5. Time commitment

EAG members typically serve a three-year term renewable once. EAG meetings are normally convened once a year in person (all expenses paid) and teleconferences are organised in between as required according to MPP’s needs.

6. Application process

To apply please send your CV and covering letter outlining your relevant experience, expertise and interest in joining our EAG to with the subject “EAG candidate nomination” by 15 May 2025. You may also suggest someone in writing to the same email address and using the same subject line.

A list of suitable candidates will be compiled by the MPP management and reviewed by the GovernanceBoard in the first instance. Interviews may take place before a Board decision is made. MPP is committed to achieving 50/50 gender balance and geographical diversity within its EAG.

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