The Medicines Patent Pool is thrilled to have taken part in the 2nd World Local Production Forum  Enhancing access to medicines and other health technologies in the Hague from 6 to 8 November 2023.

The forum is a WHO initiative that provides the global health community with a regular platform to shape strategies, galvanize collective action, and foster partnerships on sustainable local production to improve timely and equitable access to quality assured health products.

MPP participated in 3 sessions:


Leap-frogging local production in LMICs with needs-based innovation and talent cultivation

Marie-Paule Kieny, Chair, Governance Board, Medicines Patent Pool talked on the mRNA Technology Transfer Programme.


  • Dr Yukiko Nakatani, Assistant Director General, Access to Medicines and Health Products, World Health Organization

Panel Discussion Speakers:

  • Mr. Andrew Czajkowski, Director, Technology and Innovation Support Division, World Intellectual Property Organization
  • Ms. Marie-Paule Kieny, Chair, Governance Board, Medicines Patent Pool
  • Mr. Symerre Grey-Johnson, Director, Human Capital and Institutional Development, African Union Development Agency – New Partnership for Africa’s Development
  • Dr. Kim Donghyun, Director, WHO Workforce Training Hub in Support Team, Global Vaccine Hub, Republic of Korea
  • Open Discussion Q & A with: Mr. Andrew Czajkowski, Ms. Marie-Paule Kieny, Dr. Kim Donghyun, Mr. Symerre Grey Johnson


Theme 3: Tackling the bottlenecks of regional production

Panel 2 discussion: What are the key implementation challenges for regional production

Charles Gore, Executive Director, was part of the panel discussion.


  • Dr. Bruce Aylward, Assistant Director General, Universal Health Coverage-Life Course Division, World Health Organization


  • Mr. Charles Gore, Executive Director, Medicines Patent Pool
  • Dr. Carlos Passarelli, Senior Adviser, Access to Medicines, Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS
  • Mr. Alejandro Rivera-Rojas, Executive Officer, Industrial Development – Health Industry Team Leader, United Nations Industrial Development Organization
  • Ms. Dorcas Noertoft, Chief of Procurement Services Centre, United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund Supply Division
  • Open Discussion Q & A


Geo-diversifying manufacturing capacity through licensing and technology transfer

Esteban Burrone, Head of Policy, Strategy and Market Access spoke on MPP’s work in voluntary licensing and technology transfer.


  • Dr. Hanan Balkhy, Assistant Director General, Antimicrobial Resistance Division, World Health Organization

Panel Discussion Speakers:

  • Professor Frederick Abbott, Edward Ball Eminent Scholar Professor of Law, College of Law, Florida State University, United States of America and Member of WHO Technical Advisory Group on Local Production and Technology Transfer of Health Products
  • Dr. Ellen t’Hoen, Director, Medicines Law & Policy
  • Mr. Esteban Burrone, Head of Policy, Strategy and Market Access, Medicines Patent Pool
  • Mr. Siddhartha Prakash, Head, Global Health, World Intellectual Property Organization
  • Mr. Ermias Biadgleng, Legal Affairs Officer, Intellectual Property Unit, Division on Investment and Enterprise, United Nations Conference on Trade And Development
  • Open Discussion Q & A on Panel Discussion