Pandemic Preparedness and Response

MPP aims to incorporate licensing and technology transfer as essential elements in the global framework for pandemic preparedness and response.

The COVID-19 crisis demonstrated the need for better global preparedness for responding to future pandemics and other health emergencies, a response that must be more effective and equitable.

MPP is building on the experience and lessons learnt from its work on licensing and technology transfer during the COVID-19 pandemic to enhance its contribution to pandemic preparedness and response (PPR). The goal is two-fold: timely and equitable access to affordable, quality-assured health products, and security of supply during future emergencies. 

In line with these commitments, MPP engages with a variety of stakeholders and policy processes, including governments, the G7 and G20 and the World Health Organisation’s  Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) and interim coordination mechanism for timely and equitable access to medical countermeasures against pandemic threats (i-MCM-Net). MPP is also collaborating with the International Pandemic Preparedness Secretariat (IPPS) and is part of the 100 Days Mission Therapeutics Working Group.  
MPP’s PPR objectives also tie in with its existing strategy and initiatives for supporting local and regional production, including the mRNA Technology Transfer Programme and pre-selection of generic and biosimilar manufacturers that could be engaged when a pandemic takes hold. As a potential measure to support licensing and early access to health products, MPP is also advocating  with funders, universities and public research organisations for the integration of access commitments into funding agreements of early-stage health research and development 

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