Geneva – The Medicines Patent Pool (MPP) is concerned about the mpox outbreak, which  Africa CDC has declared a Public Health Emergency of Continental Security and the World Health Organization a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC). MPP is fully committed to supporting the global response to this crisis.

Charles Gore, Executive Director of MPP, said, “If we have learned anything in the last four years, it is the need to act fast right from the outset, which is now. While finding ways to rapidly deploy countermeasures to the affected countries is crucial, it is equally important to support the regional manufacturing of these countermeasures. The latter is where MPP can play a significant role in providing support and, through a longer-term approach, contribute to a sustainable response.”

MPP is ready to work with others to act quickly and effectively to support the manufacturing of possible countermeasures in low- and middle-income countries. We have a proven track record of working with manufacturers worldwide to support equitable access, having licensed three antivirals and other health technologies during the Covid-19 pandemic and co-leading the mRNA Technology Transfer Programme with WHO.  MPP’s technology transfer team stands ready to support the transfer of technology to manufacturers in Africa.