On Friday 13 October 2017, the MPP convened a symposium at the 48th Union World Conference on Lung Health on The role of public health licences to accelerate development and access to tuberculosis (TB) drugs. This session reviewed the experience of MPP’s first tuberculosis licence.

MPP General Counsel Chan Park explained how MPP adapted its HIV and hepatitis C model for TB, given the need to facilitate the clinical development of early stage pipeline products. Executive Director at Universities Allied for Essential Medicines Merith Basey discussed the importance of public health considerations for universities like Johns Hopkins University in licensing their technologies. Executive Director at the Critical Path to Tuberculosis (TB) Drug Regimens (CPTR) Consortium Debra Hanna addressed the role of data pooling in accelerating the development of regimens for TB. Finally, Scientific Director at the International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease Paula Fujiwara explained how new initiatives for re-thinking how TB research & development is conducted, such as the Life Prize, can be instrumental in encouraging the development of TB regimens that can treat all forms of TB.

More information on the programme