MPP’s three key areas of impact – uptake, economic and health – all show that MPP’s approach is transforming the lives of millions in low- and middle-income countries.

Geneva – The Medicines Patent Pool (MPP), is delighted to publish today its 2023 annual report Accelerating Access Through Community Partnership. While paying tribute to the tremendous contribution that Civil Society has brought to MPP’s work, the report demonstrates beyond question that MPP’s model of voluntary licensing is not only improving the lives of millions across the world, but should be further expanded to encompass many different disease areas.

Invaluable guidance from communities

The report also lays great emphasis on the value of partnership, a core element of MPP’s approach. An important milestone for MPP in 2023 was the formal establishment of the Community Advisory Panel (CAP), a roster of 31 experts all closely affected by diseases relating to MPP’s focus. The CAP now provides MPP with advice on specific disease areas. This will help guide MPP on the medical needs of those living in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), and, crucially, foster even greater transparency in decision-making.

Charles Gore, MPP’s Executive Director said: “In 2023 we launched our three-year Strategy, which immediately saw us signing a number of licence and sublicence agreements. More than 43 billion doses of treatment have been supplied though MPP’s licences in LMICs. This is an incredible figure, and proof again that MPP’s model of voluntary licensing is a win-win-win for all concerned: for originator and generic pharmaceutical companies, governments and health agencies, but above all for those from LMICs who need and deserve the best medicines and treatments available. It is a model that has proved itself and my hope now is that it will inspire others as a model for greater access for other disease areas and medicines on the WHO Essential Medicines List.”

Game-changing progress since 2010

MPP’s progress between its inception in 2010 and the end of 2023 has been considerable. The figures presented below have been verified by leading auditors KPMG, and show that since 2010:


  • MPP has supplied 43.56 billion doses of medicine;
  • This is equivalent to 118.04 million patient-years treated, with one patient-year corresponding to the quantity of medicines needed to treat one person for one year.


  • US$ 1.9 billion has been saved by the global health community;
  • In addition, US$ 8 billion in theoretical expenditure has been saved, the total investment that would have been required for the same level of drug uptake had only originator medicines been available;
  • A benefit-cost ration of 28:1 has been established, where the benefit represents the expenditure saved thus far by the global health community, with cost representing the amount invested in MPP for its work in HIV, HCV, TB and COVID-19.


  • 38,000 deaths have been averted;
  • 340,000 disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) have been averted;
  • 320,000 HIV virological failures have been averted.

Enhanced Prioritisation Framework and first-time sublicences for HIV-prevention and cancer therapies

Further key milestones for 2023 include:

  • The enhancement of MPP’s Prioritisation Framework saw more patented medicines under consideration, regardless of disease area, for improving access or facilitating innovation, along with greater accessibility through real-time updates of all new information.
  • Three sublicence agreements were signed for CAB-LA, which helps prevent HIV, the first MPP sublicences for a long-acting medicine.
  • Four sublicences were signed for nilotinib, which helps to treat chronic myeloid leukaemia, the first MPP sublicence agreements for a cancer medicine.
  • Seven sublicences were signed for ensitrelvir fumaric acid, a COVID-19 antiviral.
  • As part of the mRNA Technology Transfer Programme, Afrigen upgraded its R&D and manufacturing facilities according to national regulatory authority requirements and developed an mRNA-based vaccine manufacturing platform – including process and analytical methods – so that mRNA vaccine development and production can now take place. This is a first on the African continent.
  • 14 out of 15 manufacturing partners completed the introductory training to the mRNA technology at Afrigen; all 15 partners are now preparing to receive the technology platform developed at Afrigen.

Access MPP’s 2023 Annual Report